The ASC Housing Consortium is funded through the Mississippi Home Corporation to administer HUD’s Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program for the balance of state. The balance of state covers 73 of the 82 counties in Mississippi and excludes Hinds, Madison, Rankin, Simpson, Copiah, Tunica, Tate, Marshall, and Desoto counties. The program provides housing assistance and related supportive services for low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or unstably housed. The program provides housing and other support to help the most vulnerable households with multiple health and life challenges to achieve housing stability.
Eligibility Requirements**
**Additional documentation may be required.
Short Term Rent Mortgage & Utilities
STRMU is a short term intervention designed to keep homeowners or renters in their current unit. The amount of assistance is determined on a case by case basis with clients receiving UP TO 21 weeks of assistance over a 52 week period.
Tenant Based Rental Assistance
TBRA is a monthly rental subsidy designed to help renters solve issues that are more long term in nature. TBRA eligibility is reassessed annually. Clients must be able to participate in paying their rent.
With Master Leasing, the ASC Housing Consortium targets individuals coming out of the correctional system. The program is designed to help those who are unable to rent a unit based on their criminal background or past rental history. Clients must be able to participate in paying their rent.
Permanent Housing Placement
PHP provides the client with the first month’s rent, security deposit, application fees, and utility deposits. Permanent Housing Placement is considered a support service and may be used in conjunction with STRMU, TBRA, or Master Leasing; however, PHP may only be used once.
By signing the program service agreement for HOPWA services, a client agrees to monthly meeting with his/her case manager.The client and case manager will work together to:
Other supportive services offered through HOPWA include:
If you need more information about any of the HOPWA services, please call our office.
Office 601-336-0902
Fax 769-223-6813